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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

few memories from primespeak lecture

Meet my girlfriends from Singapore. Dedicated invisalign dentists from DP dental : Jolene, Pearlyn, and Fushi. We had a great time when we had OC course in Las Vegas too :)
Primespeak lecture was a wrap ! Met again with my awesome colleagues -platinum elite, platinum, and all dedicated invisalign dentists there. We had nice sharing and chitchat about cases and experiences. And nothing's better than having a good coffee with these good people. I had a great time in Singapore. And I heart all of you, friends !
With the magic of 'tongsis' a.k.a monopod, Dr. Berti took our nice-nice pic together. Here we are.... me, Dr. Bertina Djemat, Dr. Hilly Gayatri, Dr. Eugene Eu Loh Min, Dr. Michael Sernik, and my daddy Dr. Kenneth Lew. This picture was edited by Dr. Berti. Well done. It looked so cute. I mean, we looked so cute. Ahahaha...

Thank you Anne for being such a good personal assistant and arranged everything for me. One Farrer Hotel and Spa was really superb ! Worth my every seconds staying here since I spent most of my time in Singapore in this hotel due the tight schedule of lecture !!

A quality dinner with expert of TMD - Dr. Ade Amarhoseya, queen of invisalign - Dr. Hilly Gayatri, and passionist of endo - Dr. Farida. I can say that those women were inspiring ! Independent tiger women who work with passion and great spirit in dentistry. Meanwhile, dinner was a wrap ! The hairy crab, the sweet potato, the oyster omellette, the marinated jellyfish, the eggyolk spinach all was awesomely g-o-o-o-o-o-o-d !!!
But most of all, great friends and togetherness ! Indeed !

With Dr. Ade - one of my great inspiring colleague and friend. I heart your dedication and passionate in TMD and lecturing. Well, let see if we can make it together in future. Love you ! XOXO~

Finally I went to this skytree!! I was there last year but I didn't have any chance to see the lights at night. Now I'm going myself and also climb into the high bridge in top of the garden ! I'm glad I made it, yaaaay !!!!

A-sudden-pajamas-party ! Happy birthday dear Dr. Hilly Gayatri. Keep awesome and rocking in your career. Wish you all the best for years ahead ! XOXOXOXO

Have a nice day everyone !

Saturday, November 15, 2014

hello weekend

I am reviewing my slides this morning when maman called me that the postcards from Bali are well received !

I sent them when I was attending Japanese prosthodontic meeting earlier this month. I visited my grandma as well !!!! And this family reunion was awesome. I hopped on few beaches and of course I never get bored of walking along the sea.

Singapore is calling this week for Primespeak key opinion leader meeting. Can't wait for meeting my awesome colleagues there. Will see you soon, doctors ! And meet up with my girls after Primespeak lecture. XOXO... Can't wait for brunch chit-chatting with all of you, girls...

Just realize that I hadn't posted anything about Vegas course and my past lectures lately. I will definitely  post it during my spare time and will keep you in touch, readers.

Amazing view from Nikko hotel private beach

Thursday, November 13, 2014

getok tular

Boleh percaya boleh enggak, saya selalu yakin kalo pasien pertama hari itu adalah pasien penentu pasien-pasien berikutnya.

Kayak hari ini misalnya.

Pasien pertama diawali dengan kasus servikal berderet-deret. Sampe sekarang saya baru bisa mandeg, mata capek luar biasa karena pasien yang dateng kasus servikal semua. Pernah seharian saya ngegarap pasien anak-anak non stop. Dari pagi sampe malem, yang periksa anak-anak semua. Pernah juga seharian itu saya ngegarap kasus interdental dengan kavitas raksasa-raksasa dengan nomenklatur gigi yang sama.

Paling merinding kalo pas hari itu diawali dengan pasien bengkak. Bisa sampe tutup praktek, pasien bengkak kayak nggak kelar-kelar.
Ini getok tular ato apa ya ??

Jaman dulu waktu saya masih kuliah, kalo hari Senin udah apes pasien nggak dateng, ACC ngadat, bisa-bisa semingguan itu kerjaan klinik kayak nggak ada benernya. Dulu sih saya kira itu cuman sugesti. Tapi kalo dirasa-rasa, bener juga lho.

Nggak kok, saya nggak pengen balik S1 lagi. Cukup sudah cukuuuuuuppppppp.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

sneak in my chinese culture part 3 : those ultimate words

Not all Chinese do this, but since I was kid, I was being taught to always say these 4 ultimate words :

I'M SORRY, my or not even my fault. No excuses. 
EXCUSE ME, everytime you are being a guest into someone's house, or if you're invited to join a ride in someone's car. No excuses.
THANK YOU, period. Everytime. No matter they do good or bad things to you, ALWAYS say thank you. No excuses.
MAY I HELP YOU ? It's not a sugar-coated questions. I will help. With my very maximum efforts. Whether I like or dislike the person. No excuses.

And too bad, it's in my blood.  

If you are a Japanese, you will get familiar with this. Once we help people, we will help with maximum efforts until it's done. Believe-it-or-not, I get the same culture. Not in all part of China we have this 'totality-of-being-a doormat' kindness. It's a kind gesture, is it ??

And I should blame all estrogen hormon to create me and tradaaa.... I'm a woman. I involve my sensitive feeling into a relationship. Which will turn into a relationshit later for people who don't mean it. Or simply just take me for granted.

If you happen to know me quite well, you will see this in my daily life.

But oh, don't get scared,
I don't expect anything in return.
Even you take me for granted, I don't care either. It's in my blood anyway.