test test

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Indonesia is in Global Invisalign Gallery !

Finally ! Global international invisalign gallery had published my case *grin*

Since Eliz my PDM had told me to publish several cases since....... last year, maybe.... (but well, work was way too busy. Hahaha lame excuse, as always) , this case was the very first case raising Indonesia's flag.

Yeayyyyy.... Im so proud for raising Indonesia's flag!!!!

You can check my full case here :

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

fabulous thirty

And now I'm reaching the big 30. I'm officially 30.

WOW. Just wow.

I feel blessed for everything I have. My invisalign center, my patients, my super family, my team in Gigi Sehat Dental. Wow. I feel awesome. I have had everything I want just before I hit 30.

Still remember clearly how it feels when I hit 20. I felt alive. So much alive. I was during the hecticness of dental faculty. I felt much more mature now. No more YOLO thing. And I think twice before I speak. Or decide something. No any quarter life crisis. I have good self-control yet stable. And of course.... future oriented. Fabulous thirty, here I come!!!


Thank you for all of attentions and best wishes. I feel loved. So much loved!

Sunday, May 01, 2016

the long awaited sequel : AADC2

Recalling my teenager memory, I am too excited to watch AADC2 - the long awaited sequel after its hits in 2002.
Omg, its been 14 yrs already! I'm old!!!! Help!!!!

Nothing's best than enjoying movie alone. Yes I love watching movie alone - is that weird?

So, my ex crush Nicholas Saputra as Rangga, doesnt change even a bit. Still cool and handsome. I remember when I was in high school, I collected all of his pin-ups from magazines, and I put a big sticker in the back of my guitar : "in love with you Nicholas !" OMG, I was sooooo norak. What a good old days....

I am so proud that this movie created by indonesians. I can say, that this movie is truly nailed it. A real great one. I have watched hundred times of Ada Apa Dengan Cinta during my younger age, and I don't mind to watch the sequel even couple of times too. You can say that I'm a real indonesian by heart - even not by skin. I love this country and will stand strong for this country. Everywhere I go, I will proud to put : "from Indonesia" behind my name. Weird? Well....whatever. I am an indonesian. And I am so proud to be an indonesian.

Back to the movie....
I love this movie. Classy yet entertaining. Fyi, it's a very rare occasion for me to watch a movie. But this movie is superb. If you are teenagers in early 2000's, this movie is a must-watch one.

Cinta has the nicest veneer ever! Which looked so nice and bring out the best of her. Who is the dentist? Dr. Hilly, is that you????
And Rangga has a quite annoying diastema in his front teeth. 
Uhm...well....at least it annoyed me.
OMG... do I analyze people's teeth again???

Thursday, April 14, 2016

hurricaine - you can hurry numb

A real cool stuff came yesterday to clinic. I am crazy about painless dentistry -instead of super white-and straight teeth projects which is still becoming my current obsession ;)

Say hello to hurricaine ! Watermelon-flavoured.
Oh, and they're available in pina colada flavour too. Which is.... super cool !!!

As always, I always be the one who does the test-drive. I put a mugbean-sized of hurricaine in my fingertip and applied it in my lingual gum. I didn't even dry my saliva, and the result was amaaaazzzzzing. I couldn't feel my gum, my tongue, and my lip for 15 minutes. And surprisingly, the taste was so good. It's so yummy that I licked into it and got my tongue numb for another half an hour.

Awesome stuff - highly recommended : 8.5/10. In Indonesia, I get this stuff from Verkadent

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

are you a dentist ? be ready to hear these lines

If you're a dentist and your friends-family-people around you know that you're a dentist, be ready to hear these lines :

1. OMG ! I'm afraid of dentist
But you don't looked scary

Yeah, thanks for making us feel better instead. 

But still, you give us this look, hahaha....
2. Don't judge my teeth. They're bad.

Gotcha !!!
3. Can you check on my teeth ?

They're nice - rite ?

4. I heard someone become blind after they got extracted

5. Or died
Oh yeah baby, sometimes shit happens in the same time. People can die for many reasons. Such as.... heart attack ?

6. I never have any cavities *chuckle*
If you don't do a regular checkup, people don't even realize that they have a cancer too *chuckle*

7. What is the best toothpaste / toothbrush ?

A customized one !!!! Definitely !!!

8. You do braces too..... for dogs ?

I wonder if you can do braces for my dogs

Well, why not ? Even for goats, I can do either !

9. You don't look like a dentist
Well yeah -I hear this too often. If I don't address my degree, maybe people will think that I'm a graveyard digger.

10. Are you single ?

Yeah I'm single -but better you straighten your teeth before approaching me ;)

11. Why going to dentist is expensive ?
Because you haven't seen dentist for ages.... and you come to us with a lot of problems to fix. Difficult question to answer. Period.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

1 day Singapore

SINGAPORE for IDEM conference ! Hit in morning flight, fly back at afternoon was superb. Exhibition was not as awesome as I expected. But I had a very sharp discussion with Andreas and Jana about SiO2 as tooth protection.

Im so crazy about preventive treatment. Tried many similar products. Combining with probiotics for hyposaliva patients. Still struggling to get the best treatment for patients so far.

Glad that finally we can meet -due to our unmatched schedules all the time. Honestly I come to IDEM just to catch this two. Hahaha.... otherwise I need to go to Germany.

Next trip will be Hongkong, Macau and Japan for APAC summit and clear aligner therapy international conference. Will keep you updated. Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

be kind

I remember clearly, when I was a kid, on Sundays my dad took me for a ride with his motorbike (even til today, he always insists to ride his motorbike everywhere). We always stop to buy a newspaper from a very old grandpa under the traffic light. He stopped by and chit-chat with him as if he had known him for years. And before we left, he bought a newspaper from him, gave him a little tip, and a wrapped rice for lunch.

Since I was young, I learnt to always give. To always care to people. To love with no expectation. To be calm when I feel rejected. Read this : Since I was very young.

Welcome to my world !

Anyway I can guarantee that her teeth are so real !

A lot of people came to our house and asked my dad to help them with anything. Anything - and he was willing to help if he could give his hands to help ! Sometimes I hate him for this, because he cared a lot about others and never put himself as a priority. And he did all of this, not to impress people. He did all of this for his own satisfaction and pleasure.

My dad always -even he always tells me the same everytime we meet- tells me : "My daughter, if you treat everybody with love, and no any expectation, you will feel peace."
Yes dad, indeed. But don't forget to love yourself too.

Those who don't know me very well, will think that I'm an attention seeker. Because I always have a huge urge to help people. Indeed, I care. I care a lot. Sometimes too much and I can't help it - it's in my blood. And I won't give myself a credit in front of people. Instead, I will buy myself my own Starbucks caramel frappe everytime I feel good because I'm doing good.
Sometimes, people start to use me. I know that. I just let them -as long as it's not bothering me.
Some bitter people are thinking that I'm buying their affections. I will just leave them with big smile inside my heart and keep doing what I'm happily doing. If I want to give, I will give. If I want to help, I will help. I don't ask for anything in return.

I seek a help from a caregiver since my assistants and my best friends (ALL OF THEM !) told me that I'm too kind to people.
Note and underline this : I'm not TOO kind. I just try my best to help -if I can help them.
Just as my dad's words : "If you can help, you won't lose anything by helping people. It will enrich your soul and make more patience inside you." 

Do I hate ?
I do - but I am not a bitter one. I know how to control myself. Even sometimes I can feel needed to let out my anger, I won't shout. I won't do anything that I know it can hurt people. I will just do meditation, yoga, gym, kill people  or keep silent.

Or sometimes - I really need to practice my kung fu. Or doing serial extractions without anesthetic.
So, don't wake up the devil inside me. I'm not as nice as you think.

Do you know that you can't take back words ?
So be careful with your own mouth. Once you shout or let out something hurtful, no any turn back. It will go deep to someone's heart. It might be forgiven, but not forgotten. Your tongue can be as sharp as double-edged sword !  

Ok seriously.....
I don't buy people's affection nor any validation. I just feel good whenever I'm doing good to people.
That's for my own satisfaction.

And I don't care with others' opinion about that. Blame the DNA. I inherit it from my dad. Well done, thanks daddy !

Saturday, April 02, 2016

welcome april

Guess what....

I dye my hair today!

Silvia, my beautiful patient recommended me to this Glam hairdresser in front of PTC. And seriously I'm happy with her recommendation. The owner is a pro. She analyzed every detail of my hair before she did her job -just like me. The colour is not too contrast. Not too strong. Not too purple. Not too kampungan (aka lousy). Just exactly as I wish.

Will welcome a hectic week soon. Bali, Jakarta, and Singapore trip in a week. Super yay for my coming soon invisalign center !

Busy week and projects are awaited. Also need to prepare for Macau APAC invisalign summit. So I'm happy that this hair makeover project has finally ticked. Still have a lot of pending posts that i haven't finished yet - will sort of one by one later.

Have a great day, people!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

invisalign platinum elite provider!!!

I was attending this prestigious event in Singapore yesterday. And it was a blast ! 

 Met up the night before with Smilearts team dental. Glad to see all of you guys again ! Ker Shin, Jeremy, Kenny and Edwin. Got a crazy fun durian sessions with Jeremy and Kenny while in Medan (see.... I even haven't posted anything about my lectures trips lately!!!). Catch up again with u guys.... you made me so sick of crabs. Jeremy ordered 3 huge king crabs and i think.... i will not want to eat crab til next 6 months!

Again with Andrew! This year we celebrate our 18th years of friendship. Geez.... even more than half of our life that we are being bff!!! Again, i still hate his teeth and convince him to do invisalign ASAP ! Thanks anyway buddy for the yong tau foo treat. And he's getting married next year! So happy with that news!

Only 3 of us coming from Indonesia. My forever roomate Dr Hilly and my love Dr Elizabeth. Me and Dr Hilly are top invisalign providers in Indonesia now!

With those charming guys.... Angelo and Dr Ronnie. So happy I can reunite with them!

Dr Hiroshi Samoto - my all time favourite! It was a crisp and sharp case discussion with him

With my forever roomate... taking selfie in kampung2 style. I always have a good time and escape with this charming lady. I love you always, Dr Hilly !!! xxx

Got 2 awards in a row! Im a platinum elite invisalign provider. And treating more than 300 cases now. Will keep up the good and hard work still! This is for you, all Gigi sehat dental patients. 

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

stress in dentistry

Recent Studies reported in dental literature confirm that dentists are subject to a variety of stress-related physical and emotional problems.

These problems included an alarmingly high incidence of cardiovascular disease, ulcers, colitis, hypertension, lower back pain, eye strain, marital disharmony, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental depression and suicide.


* The suicide rate of dentists is more than twice the rate of the general population and almost three times higher than that of other white collar workers.

* Emotional illness ranks third in order of frequency of health problems amongst dentists, while in the general population it ranks tenth.

* Coronary disease and high blood pressure are over 25% more prevalent among dentists than in the general population.

* Dentists suffer psycho-neurotic disorders at a rate of 2 1/2 times greater than physicians.

* The #1 killer of dentists is stress-related cardiovascular disease.

* The dental profession in North America loses the numerical equivalent of one large dental school class each year.

Why is our profession so prone to stress-related physical, mental and social problems? Since it is unfortunately too late for most of us to switch into law or engineering, at least we can examine some of the causes of stress in dental practice and then see if we can find some solutions to them and hopefully live a little longer and happier.

* Confinement
The average dentist spends most of his or her life confined to a small, sometimes windowless, 7ft. by 9ft. operatory, which is smaller than the cells in our penal institutions. The work is intricate and meticulous and is performed in a small, restricted oral space. The procedures are both physically and mentally taxing and as a result, strain, back troubles, circulatory disorders and fatigue are common. It is relatively easy, over a period of time, for a dentist to become both physically and emotionally “burned-out.”

* Isolation
Most dentists practice alone. Consequently they do not have the opportunity to share and solve problems with their colleagues the way other professional groups do through peer support.
The problem of isolation is compounded by the fact that dentists tend to be competitive with one another. This trait is unfortunately a bi-product of our competitive dental school training. It is then reinforced after graduation by the intense competition created by the surplus of dentists that now exists in many cities and large metropolitan areas.
* Stress of perfection
The relentless pursuit of perfection and permanence in an inhospitable oral environment is a major cause of stress and frustration for dentists. The stress of perfection is instilled in dental school. However, it must be tempered with the realization that the most perfect restoration will ultimately be rendered imperfect by time and patient neglect, despite the efforts of the dentist.
* Economic pressure
During the early part of his or her career, the typical dentist is paying off huge loans to cover the cost of dental school and the cost of setting up a private practice . These two figures can easily exceed $250,000. Once in practice, the dentist soon learns that office overhead rises to meet income. It often then surpasses it.
Economic pressure forces many dentists to work through their lunch — an hour that is the single most important period of the work day. Instead of using the time to get proper nourishment and much needed rest, he or she will often accommodate an additional patient or two. This inevitably leaves the dentist tired and exhausted by the end of the day.
Another result of the economic pressure of practice is that dentists often feel that they literally cannot afford to be sick or take holidays. When a dentist is absent from the office, the income totally stops, but the high overhead expenses continue to grow relentlessly.
The dentist who works all the time and never takes time off might make a few dollars more, but there is a high price to pay — BURNOUT! And when dentists burnout, they become emotionally and mentally exhausted, develop a negative, indifferent or cynical attitude towards both their patients and their staff, and evaluate themselves negatively.

* Time pressures
Attempting to stay on schedule in a busy dental practice is a chronic source of stress. Dentistry, unfortunately, seems to be governed by Murphy’s Law — “If any thing can go wrong, it will go wrong and usually at the worst possible time.” Also, dentists often find that the first 90% of a complicated dental procedure takes 90% of the allotted time and the last 10% takes another 90%. And as we all know, once we are behind schedule there is no way to catch up.
* Compromise treatment frustration
A dentist spends four years in dental school learning perfection and “ideal” treatment for his or her future patients. Yet the realities of private practice are that many patients, due to financial restraints, poor insurance plans or low appreciation of quality dental care, will not accept “ideal” treatment plans. The result is that the dentist is continually forced to compromise treatment and is frustrated in not being able to reach his or her ideal treatment goals.
Consequently, the dentist is often forced to operate a “fix-and-repair” business, providing compromised treatment for patients who refuse the full spectrum of dental care. The dentist then ends up emotionally carrying the responsibility for less than ideal results while the patient continues to express unrealistic expectations.

* Patient anxiety
The psychological stress of working with apprehensive and fearful patients can be devastating to the dental practitioner. There is now considerable evidence that dentists experience patterns of physiological stress responses (increased heart rate, high blood pressure, sweating, etc.) that parallel the patient’s responses when performing dental procedures that evoke patient fear and anxiety. This in turn can lead to an early heart attack for the dentist.

* Dentist’s personality
Researchers are finding that many personality traits that characterize a good dentist are also traits that predispose to depression in mid-life, drug and alcohol abuse and the attendant risk of suicide. Among such traits are:

(1) compulsive attention to details;
(2) extreme conscientiousness;
(3) careful control of emotions;
(4) unrealistic expectations of himself or herself and others (i.e. employees and patients);
(5) a marked dependence on individual performance and prestige.

* Lack of exercise
The Pankey Institute in Miami evaluated the health of 2,400 dentists. It found that the dentist’s life was characterized by Dormancy, Degeneration and Stress (i.e. DDS). Also, dentists do not exercise enough to prevent progressive deterioration of connective tissue, small blood vessels, muscles and circulation in general.

Stress can never be totally eliminated from dental practice. However, it must be minimized as much as possible in order to avoid the many stress-related physical and emotional problems that it causes.

The key to managing stress successfully is to first recognize and understand its causes. Once the causes have been identified and understood, preventive steps can be taken.

Some of the preventive measures that could minimize the stress of dental practice are as follows:

* Improving the working environment at the office;
* Becoming less isolated and sharing problems with fellow practitioners;
* Working more sensible hours and taking time each day for a leisurely lunch break;
* Taking holidays whenever the pressures of practice start to build;
* Learning how to better handle patient anxiety and hostility;
* Adopting a program of physical exercise, such as regular walking or working out at a local health club;
* Most important, being kinder to yourself and less critical and demanding of your efforts.

Courses on managing stress should be made available to all dentists and should also be included in the dental curriculum at our dental schools. If 99% of dental courses are now devoted to the patient’s health, couldn’t just 1% be devoted to the future health of the dentist?

(I repost this article from this Oralhealthgroup)

I laughed for this oh-so-true article. Ironically, it happens to me. Even I can claim that dentistry is my hobby. What I always find from my job hobby as a dentist ? Don't be too serious, and keep it in fun way. This job is a serious matter -that's the fact. But keep it fun.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

still heart you, Surabaya

It's a throwback posting for few years back. I got few questions about Surabaya -and why I consider to live here, instead of let's said.... Sodom and Gomorah Jakarta.

Ok, first thing first. I love driving. When I'm in doubt or need to clear the clouds in my head, I will order caramel frappuccino from Starbucks I will drive. And Jakarta is not a condusive city to facilitate my hobby : driving and racing, sometimes.

Hell yeah, forget it.... I will not driving there.

Plus, Surabaya is a very nice city. Heard on people's medok-Jowo-Suroboyoan accent, with their looked-so-conservative-but-not-so-conservative attitude.... makes this city becomes.....unpredictable. Cursing with "JANC*K" or you can just shorten it with "C*K" considered as kind and rude gestures in the same time. So, no offense here. Calling your friends with 'asu c*k' (dogshit) or 'lambemu c*k' (watch your mouth, dude !) are very acceptable and not considered as rude here. If someone is very offensive, I suggest you to stay in Jogja or Solo or somewhere in central Java and not here....  or Jakarta.

Local food are great here. Almost you can't find elsewhere. For example.... rujak cingur (surabaya's mixed salad. With cow's nose inside), lontong kupang (miniclams dish with shrimp paste), semanggi suroboyo (semanggi leafs with peanut paste). I love local food here!

And people here are so..... bonek (dare to bet with their life. As if they have 9 lives). You can see a family of 5 in one motorbike or kids under ages are riding a motorbikes.

Or crossing the rail line.... 

They think they are so cool for doing this!

Monday, January 11, 2016

farewell, gio

Our big family lost Gio - my 18yrs old cousin on January 4th. Rest in peace, my brother. You will truly missed. Sad to see you leaving in this very young age. How is heaven? For sure it is beautiful. Yes it breaks our heart, but no more pain for you. Farewell Gio, til we meet again.

Sunday, January 03, 2016


So, welcome 2016 !

Here I am, enjoying my coffee, updating news in my blog, chilling with my kindle and guess what... life is good. I took 1 day off on January 1st, and yesterday I rocked clinic again. I took 2 new invisalign impressions yesterday. Cheers for amazing 2016 !

First selfie in 2016. I need to improve my upper incisors - intrude them more ! 

Have a nice Sunday. Lotsa love, beautiful people !