test test

Friday, April 24, 2009

tagged from novi and chacha

Dapet pe-er tagged from Novi sama Chacha nihhh... Hahaha, udah lama nggak nggarap ginian nih :p

what is your current obsession?
menyelesaikan penetapan gigit. Hahaha~ (tulus dari dalam hati ! Saking tulusnya sampe jadi obsesi, wkwkwkwk~

what is your weirdest obsession?

hummmmm.... mendaki Himalaya ! sama ketemu Meryl Streep, hahaha...

what are you wearing today?

hem + jeans + jas lab yang udah mbulak memasuki usia ke-5 tahun ini....

what's for dinner today?

soto Banjar bikinan mama

why is today special?

yudisium BM. Nggak sia-sia dah taktungguin sampe siang. Resultnya bener-bener nggak mengecewakan. Congrats for you :), congrats for all !

what would you like to learn to do?

pengennnnn banget kursus bahasa Jerman

what's the last thing you bought?

dvd mammamia. Udah dipromosiin abis-abisan sama jeng ini. Bahkan udah diultimatum : WAJIB TONTON ! Karena kayaknya saya nggak sempat-sempat mulu ke Wins Disc, akhirnya beli deh. Hahaha...

what are you listening to right now?

Andante Andante (ABBA)

what is your favourite weather?

hujan, mendung, apapun itu pokoknya bukan matahari terik di atas kepala.

what's your most challenging goal right now?

lulus drg. Bener-bener most challenging ! Teman-teman FKG, apakah anda semua sepakattt ???

what do you think about the person who tagged you?

pretty and stylish *heart to Novi*
cute and attractive *heart to Chacha*
and both of them have very-very interesting blogs :)

if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?

Mainz, Germany

what would you like to have in your hands right now?

hahaha, kalo ada yang mau ngasih blackberry ya bolehlah...

what would you like to get rid of?

all those hectic-clinic-requirements !

if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?

Mainz, Germany

which language do you want to learn?


what do you look for in a friend?

yang nggak suka manfaatin kali ya....

who do you want to meet in person?

Meryl Streep

what's your favourite colour?

kuning. Mulai kuning mbulak sampe kuning ngejreng, pokoknya saya cinta kuning ! *berapi-api*

what's the favourite piece of clothing in your own closet?

hem putih garis-garis yang pewe banget kalo dipake...

what is your dream job?

jadi astronot. Hahahaha... Tapi sekarang jadi dokter gigi aja deh.

any favourite models?

hummmm.... nggak ada model favorit. Kalo ngomongin model, udah kepikiran sama model si pasien-pasien orto yang entah gimana nasib progresnya itu, hahaha...

if you had $100 now what would you spend it on?

buat bayar cicilan kedua pasien-pasien prosto, bayar biaya lab pasien-pasien prosto dan konser, kalo masi nyisa bisa buat jajan bakso di Bu Etik Sayang Deh... hahaha~

vourite designer?

nggak ada

fashion pet peeve?

(ini saya kurang ngerti apa maksudnya... maaffff)

do you admire anyone's style?

ya ada sih...

describe your personal style

wah... apa yah ? yang pasti, saya ini nggak stylish... jadi ya tergantung suasana hati

what are you going to do after this?


The Rules:
1. respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.
2. tag eight other people
Ratri, Mega, Yessi, Lia, Mbak Det, Teppi, Zerlin, dan siapa aja yang pengen ambil... silahkan2 :)


  1. kuning warna favorit,, teteupppp :)
    iya2 percaya ga usah sampe berapi-api gitu,, hehehhe..

    PR lagi buat aku???
    ntar2 ya,, masih banyak tugas ama UTS ;)

  2. Yayaya mbak Dettt...masih tetep yellowlover iki, hahaha...

    Ntar kalo uda nganggur, kerjain pe-er dari aku, okay ?


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