Done with the hectic scheduled-orthodontic course. 4x PP Surabaya-Singapore yang sayangnya bukan buat holiday. Hahaha... Guess what, dari kunjungan kenegaraan ini, belom pernah 1x pun saya nginjek Takashimaya atau Universal Studio. See how serious I was :p Pengen kapan-kapan kesana lagi, tapi nggak dalam waktu dekat, dan bener-bener buat holiday. Bukan course, seminar, symposium, whatsoever. Kalo dipikir-pikir, setahun ini malah jadwal saya cuman buat course dan seminar *stress pangkat satu juta*
Dan rutinitas hari Minggu saya : meeting. Di tempat yang saya datangi tiap hari : tempat praktek.
Hahaha... totalitas seorang dokter gigi, eh ?
And I'm thanking God 'cause I'm still alive -eh, survive- 'til now. Good news, I (am still) love my job.
Module 1 - November 2010. I'm a good student eh ? ;p
Module 1 team member in Fondaco's office. The place looks so wide in photo. Hahaha... how come???
January 2011. Module 2's dinner in -I forget the name of the resto- Had sharing-cases conversations with Dr. Ronnie Yap, senior dentist from Singapore. We ended up with more to talk than eat, hahaha...
April 2011. Module 3's dinner in Jumbo. Look at the cute crab approns we had ! Still keep it as a souvenir !
Satisfying seafood from Jumbo. Look at all of happy (and full) faces :) I ate just a half of chili crab's claw and already full ! Can you imagine how big the crabs were... Also love the otak-otak. Never had 'em before. But this one was very deliciouuuusooo...
Doing cephalo-tracing in class ? Uhmmm... forget :p Through the camera lens, the class looked so big. Wow !
Module 4's graduation dinner in Paradise Pavilion with the new president of CGDP : Dr. Jerry Lim in the middle of us.
With Jane Fonda and Ronny Fonda. Thanks for the sophisticated dinner treat, Jane !
All of Indonesian delegates with Dr. Lisa Park and Dr. Mok Siew Min in the same table.
Graduated ! Yay ! Took picture with my lecturer, Dr. Kenneth Lew. I can call him daddy :p His son is as same age as I am !
All of the graduated doctors. Standing level and align -just like teeth after braces :p