test test

Monday, July 23, 2007

yang penting lulus

Finally... UAS is over... ditutup dengan tidak manis oleh ujian THT. Dan by the way, saya nggak belajar serius-serius amat memang... Bahannya luar biasa banyak dan berat. Full hapalan. And it's absolutely a big no-no for me. Mengingat saya juga tidak pernah mendengarkan kuliah pak dosen dengan serius. And it was turned out that... Belajar atau gak belajar, hasilnya sama aja. Gak bisa. Temen saya yang setahu saya udah menekuni segala macam diktat THT pada hari sebelum UAS minus seminggu aja tampangnya kecut banget pas keluar dari ruang ujian. Saya ? Ya nggak pantes tho ya pasang muka kecut. Namanya juga nggak belajar... Jadi wajar kalau nggak bisa.

50 % memang salah saya sih... Tapi seandainya saya belajar pun, maksimal saya cuma sanggup ngerjain tuh soal nggak lebih dari 50 %
So the conclusion is... 50 % salah yang bikin soal juga. Yang ditanyain tuh detail. Banget ! Ujian oral med yang bujubusyet banyaknya aja (dan berkorelasi dengan dentistry) nanyanya nggak sampe sekejam THT. Gila... kalau buat FKG aja karsinoma nasofaring sampai dibahas detail, saya nggak bisa bayangin botaknya anak-anak FK... Yayayaya... anyway, yang lalu biarlah berlalu. Saya nggak peduli walaupun hasilnya cuma C, yang penting lulus.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

i love you mom and dad

Since tomorrow is my birthday, I wanna thank God for everything that I have, especially for having great parents. Best parents for me in the world...

Of course she's the most precious woman in my life.

She takes care of me up to now.
With love.

She's the one who always fights for me when everyone against me. Ya, setiap kali tante-gendut-jelek (that wicked woman) ngata-ngatain saya, mama ALWAYS stands in front of me. Mama rela perang mulut sama adik-papa-yang-annoying itu, demi saya.

She's the one who knows exactly my favourite food and can cook my favourite food very very well. She won't let me eat yesterday's dish and always gives me today's dish.

But she ate yesterday's dish. If I ask her to eat today's dish, she always says that she loved that dish (the yesterday one), that's why she ate it.

She buys for me nice dresses. But never buy for herself.

When I bought a new dress for her, she said that it was wasting money...

She prays for me when I extract and filling my patient's teeth for the first time. She always gives support and spirit for me to be a good dentist.

She always smile when I treat her with massage.

(Dan selalu muji kalau pijitan saya enak banget. Aduh mama, pijitan dari anakmu ini nggak ada apa-apanya banget kalau dibandingkan pengorbananmu selama ini…)

She's a good and trustful listener.

She helps me looking for patients and promote me to her friends.

She always keeps her sadness for herself.

She asked for my dad's license as I wish... to drive to school. But she's worried about me a lot when first time I drove to school.

I always try to go home earlier... Because my mom will wait for me. And won't sleep if I'm not go home yet.

I know she feel a lil bit lonely since I have a boyfriend, but she never shows that to me.

Mama... she followed me when I had some-school-programme-for-days-out-of-town for the first time. I knew it when I was home already. Because she worried if I got mad when I knew that she followed me.

He’s the most precious man in my life.

Papa loved to carry me in his back when I was a lil girl. With a super duper happy face.

He said that I exactly look like him. And he loves me a lot. He always says that I'm his little girl and protects me a lot.

He accompanied me by becak on my first day school in playgroup. Just the two of us.

He always buys me strawberry-ice-cream since he knew that I couldn't eat chocolate.

He loves to sing for me.

He loves to hear me playing piano. Even I'm not reelie good on playing it.

He was proudly said to his friends that I'm very smart when I got rank in high school.

He always worry about me when I go for days.

He screams when I drive too fast (for him, 40 km/hr is too fast)

He makes sure that I'm not in love with a wrong person.

He's a good chef and always cooks noodle in my birthday. He says that's for lucky charm so that I can live happily and longer as noodle...

He asks me to press my ego. "It makes you better, girl..." that's he always says...

He was proudly show a present that I gave for him to everyone and said : "That's from my daughter. Look, she has good sense of feeling eh ?"

He said "Good night and go to bed soon or you'll catch cold" when he found me not asleep at 11 pm.

He prays for me to be a good dentist...

I know they love me more than I can do. Even I love them so much...
In my every birthdays... it seems that God reminds me how lucky I am for having great parents like them...
I love you papa. I love you mama.
And I'll do everything to make both of you happy...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

even a wall has ears too~

...'cause I couldn't stand the pain...
(If I Fell - The Beatles)

Why don't you just keep silent and learn to shut your mouth ---> lesson for today (trust me, it works ! Jadi kalau mau ngomong itu mbok ya ngomong yang bagus-bagus aja... Bayangin aja kalau omongan jelek-jelekmu nyampai ke orang yang bersangkutan... Belum lagi kalau ditambah-tambahi sama si pencerita biar seru) Heyyy, true friends won't stab in the back, right ?? Nah parahnya, omongan 'jelek-jelek' mereka ~they who I ever called : best friends~ toh nyampai juga di kuping saya. Hummm...

(again) I couldn't stand the pain...

Jadi daripada repot-repot mikirin omongan orang, saya milih cuek ajalah. I don't care. Gini-gini toh saya juga nambah pahala kan ? Dengan ngomongin saya, berarti secara nggak langsung saya bikin mereka seneng juga toh ? Makasih lho kalian udah repot-repot ngomongin saya, hehehehe. But... like what I've written before, I don't care...

And remember that even a wall has ears too... ~so next time, hati-hati jaga mulutmu darlings :)

By the way, hari ini gitar saya ~nico~ baru ganti senar akustik setelah 8 tahunan dia pakai senar nilon. Hohoho, it looks perfect. Can't wait to sing all night long with nico. Forgive me neighbours... hope that you all still can have a nice dream tonight :p